No. 12- Britton, Daniel A. Private, Enlised Feb 16 1864 by Capt. Geo. A. Fisk. 3 year term. Mustered March 14 1864 at Madison. 27 years old, blue eyes, dark hair, light complexion, 5'10", Farmer, Sparta
Daniel Britton took part in the following engagements:
Spottsylvania, Va May 18-20 1864
North Anna, Va May 23-27 1864
Tolopotomy, Va May 30-31 1864
Bethesda Church, Va June 1, 1864
Cold Harbor, Va June 3-12 1864
Petersburg, Seige of Va June 16 1864
Petersburg, Assault on, Va June 18, 1864
Jerusalem Plank Road, Va June 22-23 1864
Strawberry Planes, Va July 27-29 1864
Mine Explosion Va July 30, 1864
Deep Bottom, Va August 14-19,1864
Ream's Station,Va August 25, 1864
March 7, 1864
Camp Randal March 7th- 1864
Dear Wife,
I thought I would write you a line to let you know that Im not mustered yet but have past the Sergen examination all wright and expect to be mustered every day there is 2 companys in ahead of us so that out Co is Co C.
We will be probably be home in corse of a week or so.
If you want any money you can use some of that money that is there.
I won't write much now. Nilo AuDue is giving merit some in their letter.
I will come to a close so good bye for this time. If you write to me you must direct to Madison Camp Randal Co C 36 Reg
Yours in haste
Caroline, if your father is there yet have him stay until I come home if he can. If he can not you might get some one to cut some wood for you.
No more this time
Camp Randal March 15, 1864
Dear wife I received your letter last night and was glad to hear from you I am well and hope you are well was mustered in yesterday but cannot tell when we will be home but they say we will get a furlough this week some time we cannot tell anything about it. I hope I can come soon they say we will draw our clothes tomorrow or next day. I hope we will for my shirt is getting pretty dirty. there is some 85 men in our Barracks we went in camp the night we got here . I have been to town once since I have been here we draw our Rations Bread meat potatoes beans tea and coffee . there is about 4 thousand soldiers here a good many sick in the hospital that is all I think of is getting sick but I guess I will get along all right I hope so sorry. has george Dammon drawed any wood yet I hoe he has if you father cannot stay there get some one to cut your wood until I come home if I don't this week you need not worry because we have to wate til the officers will let us I shal come come as soon as I can possibly the Boys make so much noise that I can hardly hear myself think. I don't no as you can read this but I guess you can. Milo got a leter from his wife last night he has the blues some there is a company of boys from loerage (?) among the is a good many boys that is a quainted with frank smith John Armstrong and the Malery boys and some others I supose frank has you up in the woods again. you must take care of things as you can untill I come home I think we will come home the last of this week or the first of next. Caroline you must be out of everything to eat by this time but you have got money and you must get what you want I am glad milford took the cow so you don't have so many choers.
if Dammon has not Drawed any wood fetch me a load and if he has not drawed that you can see him and have him do it I guess I will come to a close
my love to you
and the
Daniel A Britton
Direct Camp randall
36 regiment
as before
Camp Randall March 24, 1864
Addressed to Mrs. Caroline Britton , Sparta, Monroe Co, Wis
Dear Caroline
I received Amelisas leter yesterday and was glad to hear from you I would like to come home this morning but I cannot yet they tell us to wate a few days and we can come but it has been a few days every since we have been here and we are geting sick of it. Capt Frisk told us that we would not hafe to stay here more than a week when we come but now it is three weeks the boys feels beter to day than we drawed our clothes yesterday and now the next thing is furlough but we dont know when the will but as soon as the Rigement is full they say the will give us furlough and the is all here so as soon as they organise we will come home whether they will let us or not . Caroline you must be careful your self and not take cold and also of the children . Amelia will you stay there there and take care Caroline if you will I will make it all right when I come home. Caroline tell Pap Jones that he will get his hay for staying there. has he finished my draw is it good for anything you must get some one to cut some wood for you Milo is going to write as soon as you get this D.A. Britton
Camp Randall March 31,1964
Dear Wife and children at home. I have not heard from you in some time. only by miloes folds I have not had a leter in all most two weeks, but I no you are sick you cannot write. I was sorry to hear that you had taken cold but I hope you are beter now. well learns I have gots stop writing for litle while and go out to dril. we try to dril every day 2 hours in the fournoon and 2 in the afternon. will carry on have got in from dril and had a good time only it is pretty windy it has rained hear a good deal for a day or two hard and it clay ground so it makes it mudy. I don't like our Colonel very well the old Devil let us go home gest as wel as not there is some talk that we won't get furlough but I think we will there is all Kind of reports flying around camp if I had known how the thing was going to be I would not come here untill I had fixed up my things at home. I know they are in bad shape and it bothers me a good deal but I can't help it I would send my papers home so you could get my money but I dar not by mail. milo got a chance to send his by mr Philips. Idid not see him I would sent mine if I had. you must get some money of milford if you want any. if george dammon wants money and you have it to spare let him have 5 dollars or so untill you here from me again. they say the 30 reg is sined to the armery of the Potomac the 2 army corps if that is the case we will go south soon. if I can only com home few days I don't care much where we go to I have had a very soar throat for weeks but I am getting beter now I hope you are beter than you was when I last heard from you. how is the baby and the rest of the children. how is freddy .I have all most forgoten how he looks. I wouldlike to seehim and you andall the rest if Capt Frisk had power to give furlough he would give them right a way but he has not but he had no buisness to tell us so when we he feels as bad about it as we do but I guess it will come around all right yet I hope so any way Carry. write as son as you get this . Milo gets a leter amost every day and I havnt any for a long time write soon
Direct Camp Randal Co C
I more than half 36 Reg write here on aboard but I guess you can read it no more at present
this from you husband A
Bold Soldier Boy
D A Britton
April 4, 1864
Camp Randall
Dear Wife and children home. as it is a rainy day today and I have nothing to do. I will write to you to let you know that I'm well I hardily know what to write to you if I was only there I could tell you a grate deal beter than I can write it but I can't com yet but am in hopes that we can com soon and then I can tell you all about it. I am in hopes that you will be able to write me soon. I would like soldiers life well if they had not lied to us so they don't care what they do or say only to get men into the services then they can't help themselves they have promise us furlough but they dont care whether we com hom or not but the holl Reg say that they will go home before they line and I think they will but cant tell yet it takes a long time to get things regulated so they can give forlough, I it will come around all write after a while I am a going to send my papers home by Mr.brown he is here now and is going home in a few dayes he lives in Sparta he will draw my money and bring it to you and I want you to take care of it. I shall want you to send me some money pretty soon if I don't come home. I gess you had beter send ten dollars as soon as you get it get a draft on the bank of Sparta your father can get it for you I guess you had beter send me 15 dollars. if Oren comes there tell him to write to me. Caroline is my wagon to home ? if it is not you have some one bring it and you keep it to home I will send my picture to you it a very good one but it looks like me some. the boys er make some noyes that cant half write I hope you will beable to write to me when you get this. write all the news. have you named the baby yet what does Estela and Freddy say about it I have writen to you twice since I have heard from you but I am in hopes you can write to now you must direct Camp Randall 36 (30?) Reg Co C this from your husband DA Britton
I wanta come home before we go south. I never as much said good by when I left home but you must not werry about it I shall come if there is any nothing. so good by for this time
Yours truley D A B
Camp Randall April the 8th 1864
Dear wife at home
I thought you would like to hear from me by this time so I write you to let you know how I am geting along I am well so I eat my regular ration every day I have no perticular news to write but im agoing to write a short leter and I want you to answer it so I can hear from you and the children. I recived you leter of the___ the next night and I put one in the office to send to you the same time that is the cause of not writing before I expect you have to get it by this time I sent my picture to you it takes a leter to come here about two or three days to com here but I get yours the next next day after its mailed most allways.
I told you in the other leter that I was going to send my papers home with Mr. Brown he has not you yet but talks of going to day his boy Brown is sick in the hospital and he has wated to see how he got along he is a little better there is a grate many sick here ther is 10 or 11 out of our Co in the hospital. gerome wilcot died day before yesterday I supose you no that or will no it before this reaches you thay sent his body to Sparta. if mr brown gets my money for me you send me 15 dollars. I wanted to com home and fir up mt thing but cannot come yet but I shall com before I go south and so my famly let the result be what it will I shall com home Carry Dear I must stop writing so good by for this time
this from your husband D.A. Britton
Camp Randall April the 12th 1864
Dear wife I have gest received your leter and was glad to hear from you I would like to hear from you every day but dont expect to as that. Milo and Dan got a leter each of them to day is seems that you have not got my last leter I guess it was not time when you wrote I expect Mr Brown has got there by this time and drawed my money you must take care of it. Miloes wife wrote that Gorge Dammon was a going to draw that wood away again if we did not pay him for it pretty soon if you get my money and he wants some you pay him 10 dollars if he has drawed wood enough to com dont let any one cheat you be as saveing as you can for this money until I com hom we have sined the pay role to day we expect to get our pay soon and then we think we will get furlough but we cannot tell exactaly about it we may get them when we dont expect. I hope it will be soon for U want to com home and arange mt things. I'm owingsome and some are owing me and no one can settl it very good but myself you wrote something about mt druming. I cannot tel yet there is no one apointed yet but there is a good many trying to get it they don't much whether they have any or not. Wal Caroline I guess that I won't write a very long leter this time and write often you must write to me you know where to direct as you did for my love to you and you see I have a to the children this your husband. Good By for this time .
April the 30th Camp Randall
Dear Wife,
good morning Caroline I thought I would write a line to you this morning so you would know that we had got hear safe and sound I expect you war last night sleeping on the hard bords but I slept very wel it will be all wright in a few days we got hear gest before dark. the boys war glad to see us back an you know we heard that we was orded off the Col says that he has not heard anything about it yet but but one may but we cant tell anything about it until the order comes then we will know all about it. I guess I wont write a very long leter this time for the cook wants the table before long for brekfast. I have got to put this in the office before 9 o'clock so you will get it to morrow mail. Caroline you must be a good girl and take care of yor self until this war is over and then I shall come home they have not got any drum her for me yet but say that they are agoing get one right a way. I hope they will for I want to practice some before we go south. ther comes the waters to set the table I must leave off for a while. milo and dun is wel carie you must take care of the children and all so of yorself you had beter name the baby Carrie Jenny if it suit you. Wal I guess that I will stop for this time so good by Caroline this from you husband D.A. Britton
Camp Randall May the 5th 1864
Dear wife at home I received your kind leter abbout a half an hour ago although it has not been very long since I left but I would like to hear from you and home every day I am wel as ever. Caroline you will hear all sorts of storys about our going away but you need not belive all you hear there is as much prospects of our going to minesota as ther is going south genrel Pope wantes us to stay in the state and the col wants us to go south so we cant tell anything about it but we will soon know all about it but have not had marching orders yet but expect every day I hope we will go to minesota for it is healthy there and we could get a chance to come home once and a while make Caroline you must not worry take things cool it will be all right I shal wright iften and let you know all about it Milo and douber are well they go a leter from ther women to day Carry you didn't say anything about you bounty papers did you get them fixed out all wright I hope you will get your money wregler every month you must be saveing of your money I expect to get payed of again before we leave the state. we mustered for pay last Saturday we get here gest in time if we hadnot got here to muster we would not get pay in two months. I tell you Caroline we have a god regiment we had our flag presented to us to day it is a nice one I wish you could come here and see the hol regement on the drill ground it is a good sight them drill . I tell you Caroline I guess I will stop writing for a while I may have more news to write before night we expect marching orders every hour I will stop for a while good by for a little while I have got to go out and drill on the drum. the drum mager says that I can learn all right Carline I have got in from drill had a good time I have been lonesom some since I have been bac but I guess I will get over it after while but I expect you are more so but never mind ther is a beter time coming I hope. take good care of yourself and children tell Estela to be a good girl and mind her moma and I will buy her some thing when I come home wal take car of your self this from your beloved husband.
to C.C.Britton his wife
Camp Randall May the 10th, 1864
Dear wife at home it is about 3 o'clock in the morning I have gest got up and I that I would write to you once more before we left for duty we leave this morning at 9 o'clock unless we should get orders not to go but we have got every thing packed redy to start. Caroline it is hard to go and leave you so long but it cant be helped now I was in hopes I would get a leter from you before I left but I guess I shant. I'm as well as and hope that you and the children all are the same. I would like to see you and the children once more before going south but cannot Caroline you must keep up good courag and take care of yourself and children I would like to see Estella and Fredy you must Kiss them for me I don't no as you can read this the boys make so much noise aht I can't wrte nor spell wright that I guess you can make out to read it I hafto write a short leter this time and write a longer one next time I shal write as soon as I get through and tel you al the news. Well carry I shal hafto bid you good by but I hate to. you must be a good girl an I will be a good boy I want you to write to Pa in consas tel him I inlisted the 14th day of Feb I wanted to write but have not had time to. Caroline the drum is beating for roal call and I shal hafto stop writing we have got three days rations packed in our harnesed sack, it wil com prety hard to eat cold vitnals for three or for days but I guess I can stand it ...more this time so good By Carry this from your husband
My love to you and the children yours in haste. D.A. Britton
May the 11th 1864 Van Wert Ohio
Dear Wife
I am on the cars and I thought I would write you a few lines. It is the 2nd days ride and I have not slept much for 2 nights but I feel well as usual. I have written 3 letter to you and this is the forth one. There the cars has started again and it bothers me to write when they are going. I'm agoing to write every litle while they gave us a nice super in Chicago last night. Everything that we could ask for and we expect another one tonight. They treat us firt rate. Caroline, I am a good ways from home and still going on. It will take three days more to get through. I can't write much this time but will write more next time this is the 4th letter I have wrote to you since I have had any from you but that don't make any difference I shall write as often as I can we will have a long ride by the time we get through we have come through some nice places on the cars. This from your husband. D.A. Britton
Baltimore May 14th 1864
Dear Wife,
As I thought you would like to hear from me again I will write a few lines to let you know I am wel yet but we have had a long ride. I have not had my boots off since I left Camp Randall nor no sleep only as I have slept in the seete in the cares. Caroline I would like to hear from you but don't expect to in some time for you don't no where to direct I would like to tell you but can not as we expect to go to Washington to day that is 40 miles from here Caroline you must keep good courage. I shall write a gain soon as I can and tell you where to direct when I find out.we are at the soldiers retreat a place where all the soldiers stop to rest and get something to eat Baltimore is a large place but washington is larger I expect. wel Caroline I cant write much this time tak care of your self and children this from your husband
so good by for this time.
D.A. Britton
White House Landing June the 2 1864
Dear wife at home it has ben a long tine since I have writen a long time since I have writen to you but you must not feel hard because I could not send a leter home but I and Milo was sent back hear with the wounded to take care of them and we can send leters from hear they are fighting now every Day and have been for two weeks they have drove the rebels about 60 miles but Caroline I dont hafto go in battel the music hafto stay back about 2 0r three miles to se to the wounded we arent in any danger of the bulets Caroline I hardely much noe what to write cant write much this time but I am wel and hope that you and the children are I am siting on the writing on my napsack cant write very wel I wouldyou must because like to se you I could tel you beter than I can write Caroline I want you to write to me an want to hear from you very much you must excuse me for this short leter I expect we will go back to the hospital in a day or to Direct 2 army corpse 2 division 1 Brigade army of the potomac 36 Reg Co C . Well Caroline I have not time to write more this time so good by for this
DA Britton
Head quarters of the Army of the Potomac June the 5th 1864
Dear Wife,
I thought you would like to hear from me by this time it has been so that I could not send a leter home it made me feel bad to think that you could not hear from me but I think now that we can send leters both ways I wode like to hear from you very much I have not heard from you since I left Madison and that is most 4 weeks Caroline it is hard that we cant hear from one another often but I guess that we can now. Caroline they have been fighting for two or three weeks we have lost agrate manymen considerbal many in our company our Col was killed the 3 day of this month the boys had gest began to like him and considered many others killed and wounded it is a ofal sight to see. we are about 10 miles from richman and driven the rebels al the time I went down to the landing where they send the wounded. I have gest got Back gain. I wrote a leter to you when down there we are in the rear the Regiment about 3 miles to the hospital taken care of the wounded and the sick. Caroline you must write to me as soon as you get this write all the news tle mrs osten(?) that I saw her man he was here this morning to see me he is well his brother with him Osten. Caroline I guess you think that I am home sick but you must not think so I feel al write if I can hear from home and no that things are right.
wel Caroline I will stop writing and bid you good by.
you must take good care of the children
this from your husband
D. A. Britton
to C C Britton
good by may
god bles you
June 12 1864
Head quarters army of the potomack
Dear wife at home
how do you get along Caroline by this time any how I am wel and hope that you are the same. I got two letters from you the other day one of them was written before I left Camp Randal the other the 16 of May prety old news but I was glad to hear from you even as ago as that I have writen some 3 or 4 leters since I left Washington but I dont know as you will get them but I hope you will because I no you want to hear from me well Caroline we have had some pretty hard times since we have been out here. our regement is pretty wel used up I guess that we have had our hardest times I hope so any way I gues that we will get home this fall dont you hope so I guess you do wel Carry never mind wate until fal and so think it wil be al wright then Caroline we get plenty to eat and that good to there a good many sick in the regiment. the regiment numbers about 500 men now fit for duty that is cuting them down some in 4 handed but Caroline you need not be scairt about me for I shal try and take care of my self but any one is liabel to be sick any where wel Caroline if I ever get out of this alive I will never inlist again. if a man has a family and a home he had beter stay there. I had rather be at home with my family even if I had to work for smal wages to suport them. I was not wel of when I inlisted but didnot no it I was a fool for inlisting but it cant be helped now. I would like to be there when our folks was there very well and may be that I wil write a short leter this time and I want you to write to me as soon as you gt this write allthe news there is Direct to Washington DC 36 Reg Wis 1 Brigade 2 division 2 corpse Wel Caroline you must take care of your self and children until I com home I would like to see you but cannot for a while so good by may god bless you this from your husband DA Britton
Caroline do you hafto pay postage on leters there they tell us that we need not pay any. I have sent 2 or 3 without puting stamps on if you hafto pay on them there write to me and i wil put on stamps. tel Oren that if he noes when he is --- of that he had beter stay at home and the twins to I would not incurage any one to inlist. Soldirs life is a hard life to live I am sorry that the cow bothers you about coming up if she bothers to much you can sel her . Our men took 500 prisoners the other day and among them was 8 women dresed in mens clothes they were regelar rebels DA Britton
June the 23 1864
Head quarters Army of the Potomac
Dear wife and children at home. as I have a little time to spar I wil improve it in writing as I no that you wanto hear from me am wel and hope that you are Caroline. I got a leter from you and Oren about a week ago and was veary glad to hear from you when so far from home would answered it before this but have not had time to do so until now the day I got the leter we was orded on a march of 3 days and we arrived hear and went into battle the next day and our Reg was all cut to peaces a grate many wounded and a good many kiled 5 in our company now that you know I guess I will give you the names of them.
Darwin Cole -Sparta
David Douglas. Gorden Cleaves Pary Walker and Ingels, Shelden Ingels brother I tel you it looks pretty hardto see so many wounded and killed our reg dont number over 200 men fit for duty Caroline Im lucky I tell you being detailed to the hospital Im thankful that Im not in ranks I dont know as you can read this I hafto write with a pencil ink is scarce and paper to I would write to Orren if I had paper but I have only a few sheets and dont know when I can get any more and I must write to you once and awhile oh Caroline I will be glad when this campane is over and then we wil go into quarers som wher and then I can have more time to write I would like write to you every day. i dont have much time nor chance to write we have had a longe march and hard fighting most 2 months fighting most of the time Im sorry to hear that you have lost yor cow but maybe you find her again I hope you wil dont let it bother you one bit for I can get another I guess if nothing ----- tel Orren to write to me and ---. also you wrote our folks was coming there I suppose they are there by this time i would be there ver wel I think that we can com this fal but cant tel yet we have beter mater in this country than I expected to find it is very good the most of it I stand the marches very wel thought I have a pretty good load to carry but I have lost my drum so I have not as heavy load as I had but we dont have any use for drums here now but we will when we goin to camp I will get another.
Milo and (dan?) is well. Milo gets 3 or 4 leters every male. I have had 3 since we left Madison the leter that I got from you and Orren come here in one week it takes longer to there I expect. I'm glad that you have got your state money for i have not got any pay yet and dont know when well get any you must be saving of it for fear that I wont get any very soon there is some of our regiment taken prisoners and I may be taken and the I would not get any pay maybe for six months but I dont calculate to be taken. wel Carolineyou must keep up good curage and take good care of your self and children. I hope that you may al keep wel untill I can come home and see you write as soon as you get this my love to you and children and all inquiring friends. Direct on Washington DC 2 Division 2 Corpse 36 Reg Wis 1 Brigade this from your iner true husband in the armey. Remember me DAB
Head quarters Army of the potomac June the 26 1864
Army head quarters July the 4 1864
Dear Wife,
I recived you leter writen June 22 was glas to hear from you but was veary sorry to hear that the children was sick but Milo got one from his wife she wrote that they was beter and that you was down to fish creek a writing so the children must be beter. Im wel and hope that you are al the same. Caroline this is the 4th of July rather dull times here to day it is al still only once and a while we can hear a canon away of 5 or 6 miles it sounds some like the 4 of July. we are camped in the woods have been camped here for 3 days the general helth of the reg is good. I belive I cant write much war news I supose you hear more thear than I do here although Im close to it but dont hear much they say that we have got richmond surrounded and that we have got all their suplys cut off and the are on half rations there in most every day some rebels coming into our lines and giving themselves up nearly starved. we have plenty to eat. try to think how that old Grant is agoing to stave them out but we cant tel anything about it what will be done. I hope that they wil do something and wind the thing up soon as posibal and I think it will be to. Milo and dan/dom is well they are writing today. Caroline where is Orren where does our folks stop tel them al to write to me and your folkds I want to write to your father tell him that I wil write to him prety soon give my respects to al that wants them. there is some talk of our geting our pay pretty soon if I do I wil send you some money if you are out of money write and let me no it. has Milford or hie paid you any thing yet if you get out you can call on them for some Caroline I expect they are haveing a grate time in Sparta to day I wish I was there with you but never minde wate until I com home and then we wil have a time a nough to make it all up. you would not know me if you could see me I have got tand up so that Im as black as a negro and dirty fat sacy raged and so on wel I guess you have got enough of this kind of stuff I don't know as you can read it but if you cant you jest come down here and bring it I can read it for you. Caroline I think that I can cook as well as any one now each man hasto do his own cooking here Milo and I cooks together and bunk together an we are together most of the time. Wel Caroline I shal hafto stop writing soon I want you to write me as soon as you get this write al the news all about your folks and every one els in town. I hope that you are enjoing your self to day it being the 4 of July but I dont expect you will because I hant with you you must go a visiting and enjoy your self as wel as you can. I enjoy myself pretty wel considering where I am well I wil bring this leter to a close.
By saying good By for this time
this from your husband
July the 11th 1864 Head quarters of the army of the Potomac
Dear Wife,
I received you leter mailed the 5th of July and was glad to hear from you again but was sorry to hear that the children was sick it is couris what ails them that they sick so long but I
sake you must be al I wish I was there to help you and see to things but you must do the best you can not to get discouraged I wel and (trip) as ever I was in everything is al quite stil hear now and then a little picket fiering along the line this wil be rather a short leter this time paper I have fit to write on and but I must go to the settlers and buy some you must excuse me this time write soon as you get this and often as you can.
this last leter I got from you aquick I wish they would as soon as that when I send them to you. John Hunt wants you to tel Mr Fenidic (?) to write to him and send him some if they are a mind to do so hafto stop writing soon on on paper is getting short supply not got any money and dont know as we will get any now til the next pay if you want any you must call on Milford. has Mrs Osten paid that 5 dollars yet you must look out for your you wil need them everything is coming up so that I dont know hou you are agoing to get along where is you and the boys staying now then ant manerned(?) has finely died as expected it in every leter that you have wrote lately You must excuse poor writing and poor speling and poor paper and poor pen and ink I shal hafto bid you goo by for this time this from your iner(?) true husband D.A. Britton
Headquarters of the 1 Brigade July the 18th 1864
Dear Wife,
As Milo is writing home to day I thought I would send a line to you hopeing it wil find you enjoing yourself and good helth I am wel and tuff we are lying in front of petersburge about 3 miles they are buylding forts al along the line and flanking canon on them we expect there wil an ofal battel here soon they are gethering in on richmond on al sides and wil soon commens the seige I expect you hiar more news about the war there than we do here. wel I will stop writing for this time you must write soon and al the news no more this time so good By may god Bless you and the children.
I remane your near and dear and ever true husband.
D.A. Britton
to Mrs Caroline C Britton my love
July 20, 1864 pg 1 & 4 |
July 20, 1864 Pgs 2 &3 |
Head quarters of the 36 July the 20 1864
My dear wife at home
I recived your kind leter last night maild the 14th was veary glad to hear from you but very sorry that the children is sick so longit is hard for you there alone with them it warrys me very much to think of it I wish it was so that I couldcome home and see you al but that is impossible now so you wil hafto get along the best you can This was is amkeing agrate deal of truble in this world god only when it wil close we no nothing about it and the folks in the north dont seeme to care much whether it is stoped or not if they did they would come to some terms with them in the south we are lying in front of peters berge yet don know how long we wil lay hear we may stay a month and we may not stay two hours cant tel anything about it the probability is that we wil not charge anymore for the boys say they wil not make another charge as fir me I shal try and take care if my self I did not come down here to be shot and dont intend to be I injoy my self prety wel only when I think if home and the children it has al most discouraged me but here for it is no place ther is a good many here that is sick nothing ails them but home sick and got the blues but it wil never do Im al right
when I know that my folks is wel at home but hope you wil al get wel soon I would like to see my little Freddy and the rest of you I would like to seeyou prety and wel I guess it will be al wright some time if it is don't you think so we have meeting here every night for most we are camped in the woods have a nice place and good water and anough to eat I wish I could send home half of my ration of coffee we draw more than we can use we draw hard bread al we want pork and beef once and a while. dride apels but I am geting tired if this kind of living I wish you wouls send me some warm biscuit and butter a custard pye and A cup of tea I have not had any since I left home Caroline how much money have you if you have it to spare let menerva have $5 I have got to get me another drum have not got money enough to get it and Milo said he had 5 dollars he was agoing to send home and he would let me have it if you could let her have it there and that would save sending it they say we are agoing to get some money soon if we do I wil send you some. wel I can't think of muchmore to write this time Milo is writing to his wife he is wel danbar is back in the rear sick we are with Reg now I am glad you wrote me a long leter you must excuse me if I writesome short leters for you know that is hard work for me to write but I wil write to you anyway I would to write to your folks and my folks and shal after awhile you must try and cure the children for I wanta hear that they are wel and tuf it makes me feel bad to hear that they are sick give my respects to our folks and tel them to write to me I don't no where to write to oren he runs around so much you must get some money of Milford I told him I would take lumber enough to fix the shanty and the rest in money fore the wagon I shal haf to stop for this time so good by my dear wife I remane your affectionate husband write as often as you can D.A.Britton
Headquarters of the 36 Reg August the 2 1864
Dear wife and children at home.
I gest you this morning mailed the 27 and was glad to hear you and to hear that you were al geting beter I hope you wil al get wel and keep wel We had a long march since I wrote to you before our corpse mad a rade acrost James river about 30 miles got there gest day light had a nise little fight of about 2 hours took some prisoners and 6 pieces of artillery we did not losed grate many men but some of ours we stayed there teo days and gest at dark the orders to fall in mark back to we got back hear in the morning jest in time to see the the boys cal it. Out men blowed up a fort of the rebs which had they say a thousand rebs in killed and took them prisoners and they the works and toke 3 lines of works but could not hold them our men had to give back the first line of works and there they was to stand the rebs charged on them three times but could not drive us our they fought 3 or 4 hours most despratly our men sent in a flag of truce to bury the ded and get the wonded of the field but the rebs would not accept it so you can see how the poor soldiers hafto suffer, only think of it. hundreds and thousands of men hafto suffer there in the battle field wounded so that they cant get up and hafto ly there and suffer they say thousand killed and wounded I suppose the news will go north that it was a great victory. I cant cal it much of a victory I have come to the conclusion that this war wil never be settled by fightling they have got to come to some other way of settlement. I think they killed men enough when I was in that rade acrost the river. I received a leter from you I have been so busy that I did not answer it so this wil be for both. I guess I have got al you leters that you have wrote I have got 11. I belive now I have l____ or to I dont know how many I have writen to you Caroline. we don't get our pay yet but we are in hopes that we wil soon. if I dont I don't know what I shal do I have got to get me another drum. I have been detailed around in the hopes the time buut now our Regiment is and they me to get another drum. if I dont get another drum I shal hafto a gun and that I dont like I shal get a drum if it costs me 50 dollars rather than to go in the ranks but it wont cost more than 20 or 30 dollars. you must tel Milford that you must have some money or some cant he get it from some one in town if you get money of him let Minerva have some of it. I got I have wrote to you before about it wel Carry I shal hafto come I would like come home home and see you as maybe it wil com so that I can I hope so dont you? I shal hafto say good by to you do take care of the children. I remane your husband DB
Deap Botom Aug the 18th 1864
My own Dear Wife
I sat myself to write a few lines to let you know where I am and how I am
We have moved since I last wrote you to Deap Botom acrosse James river about 30 miles from where we wore when I wrote you last. I am not very wel but I think I shall come out alright in a few days Milo is back to some where sick I don’t know where he went back about 2 weeks ago he had the ganders the dockter called it Im very loner now here Milo and Dun both gone Oh Caroline I to have the blues at home but I never had them at all to what I have them now I didn’t have any reason for the blues there we have been down here at summer right in the wilderness in the hot wether and had poor water to drink and fighting al summer and not gaining anything it is anough to make any one have the blues they are fighting now and have been for 3 days and they are shelling the hole here a man hant safe any where
here. Caroline my Dear wife if it should be my fate to get wounded I hope it wil be slight but is al chance work I hope that I shal live to com hom and see you and my little children that I love Dearly. wel Caroline you must keep up good courage and pray for me god nos what is best for us. Caroline I have not got my pay yet and no sines of it it woreys me very much to think of you and the children at home I don’t know what you wil do hardly you may go to Hil and Milt and tel them they must rase some money for you the house insurance on our house must be pade the 1 of next month and that is it hand tel them gest how it is and I gess they can get some fore you Caroline I have not had any leter from you in 2 or 3 weeks I got one from lucy
the other day they wore wel . Wel Cary I hope I shal live to see you and the children
so good by for this time this from your husband
Daniel A Britton
Caroline I wrote your father a leter a while ago and I had a picture of our
lieutenet in an invelop and I put the leter in to the the invelop and sent it accidently.
You get it and keep it for me
Caroline Jones
Sparta Wisconsin
Milford Jones
_____________ Co Wis
Easton Mill
Milo Jones
Sparta Monroe
Co Wis
Information on the First Battle of Deep Bottom
August 22-1864 Headquarters 36 reg near Petersburg
My own dear wife
I received your leter written the 14 and was glad to hear from you but sorry to hear that pa is sick. I ahve been sick but am getting wel again I am with the reg now but shant go into a fight if I can help it for I did not inlist to fight.They have put a good many drummers in the ranks I have not got any drum yet we are so far from any place where I could get one they say when our Settler comes that I can send him and get one. They say he is coming up soon I have been waiting for him for som time. ther is not much difference being a drumer or not now for they are throwing shells all over the country but I shall get a drum as soon as I can i have not got money anough but I gess I can get along some way if you can get $5.00 to spare you mite send it sell that drum if you can you must pay the insurance some way I dont know as you can read this I hafto hold my paper on my lap and write cant half write I had a leter from Milo the other day he was in washington in the Lincoln hospital in the ward he said that he was a going home in a few days on a furlow I am clad of that I wish I could go with him but I cannnot It seems hard but I suppose it is fair I shal come as soon as I can any way they cant any one come home unless they are pretty sick or wounded and Im not but I have been sick but am beter. well Caroline I cant write much this time I sent you a leter the other day I did not get that leter you sent me of the 7 I would like to send you my picture but cannot get it taken. I wouls like yours and the childrens well Caroline do you pary these days I want you to pray for me May god bless you my dear wife this from your husband D A Britton
Daniel Britton was captured at the Battle of Reams Station on August 25, 1864
Second Battle of Reams Station
He was sent to Andersonville Prison,and was paroled as a prisoner of war March 2, 1865
Andersonville became synonymous with the attrocities which both North and South soldiers experienced as prisoners of war.
Annapolis March 16, 1865
Dear Wife
I have got far towards home but I'm so weak that I have a gotta stop here in the hospital I'm coming home as soon as I am able I thought that you would like to know whether I was ded or alive.
I have been sick about 4 weeks the piles and the diaree Im very weak but I think Im beter than I was when I first got here. O caroline my wife how I sant to tsee you and them dear little children I hope you are al wel I shal hafto write a short leter this time. I have been here for 8 days I couldnt wate any longer without leting you know that I was Alive.
I am so weak that I can hardly write if I was only at home I could talk and tel some ofal stories but never mind Im coming home in a few weeks but I get but 2 months and ration money while a prisoner but I dont care for money if I can only get my health I would like to get more for I sufered, you are sufferen for things no body knows how have I suffard while A prisoner yet the good lord has ben on my side Im very thankful to get back to our lines Alive. Caroline you must not let this leter discourage you write to me as soon as you get this if Ira and Oren is there have them write I want to hear from you al very much.
Direct to Annapolis Maryland United States General hospital Section 7 Ward E
Wel Cary keep up good courage there is beter times
to hear from you soon write to the leter wil get there. They give every man a furlough of 30 days if I get home once I wil stay as long as I can we are paroled and may never be exchanged I was ofal sick coming home the Cape Hatras we had a prety tuf time. Wel Caroline my dear wife I wil stop writing I dont know as you can read what I have wrote write soon this from your dear husband so take good care of your self and them dear little children I wanto see them very much give my love to al of our folks and tel them to write
No more at this time
D A Britton
Naval School Hospital
Annapolis Md March 28th
Mrs Britton
Dear Madam,
Your husband died here last night. His two months pay $32 was put of Lunt Reynolds. He had not received his back pay or ration money.
I believe you will be able to get it by applying to Dr Radcliffe of this place.
If you wish any other information address Mrs. Kip.
Dr General Hops
Division 1st
Annapolis Md
Naval School Hospital
Annapolis April 20th 1865
Mrs. Britton, Dear Madam,
Your letter of the 7th has been received. Your husband died of typhoid fever which was no doubt caused by exposure before he arrived here. He had not constitution enough to bear up against it. He was a very good mand and seemed perfectly willing to die only regretin that he could not see you and his children. It is one of the many hard cases which this dreadful war has brought upon us. He was respectably buried by his comrades and as kindly and gently cared for as he could have been at home.
And now my friend with regard to the money 32 dollars has been deposited with Lien Reynolds- Enclosed you will find two blanks please follow the directions written on the back of the blanks. It is nessecary to go through this form of law before the money can be forwarded. After they have been properly signed and sworn to return them to Lorin Reynolds who will remit you the money immediately. I regret that the law requires all this attention but we must comply with it. And now that God may bless you and be a comfort to your children is the sincere wish of your friend.
Mrs. Kip
The rest of the story.......
It appears that Caroline lived in Wisconsin with her father until he died June 8, 1870. She sold the farm for $500 and moved to Arkansas. Caroline was granted a widow's pension by the government. It is believed that is was $6 a month for her and $12 a month for the children. Whatever the amount, it was not felt that the widow would be capable of handling this large sum of money and a guardian was appointed for her. This guardian was Richard H Jones (no relation). Within a few short years she married him. Richard Jones was the Probate Judge in Carrol County, Berryville, AK.
Caroline had two more children after her marriage to Richard, Lillie and Elmer. She died in Flagstaff, Arizona of pneumonia May 17, 1899.
Daniel and Caroline's son Freddy died in childhood. Their daughter, Estella, apparenly died in childbirth at about age 16. Carrie Jennie Britton married John Crittenden Grim March 5, 1882 in Berryville, Arkansas. They had six children. She died may 29, 1936 in Santa Barbara, California.